Calculating a Shipment Using Saved SKUs

The purpose of this example is to explain how to calculate a shipment of boxes using SKUs that have been saved in Quick Pallet Maker.
To save SKUs in QPM, you will first need to copy them from a spreadsheet, using the format discussed in other examples and that can be downloaded here. Select the area with all the required columns and then choose Copy.
Spreadsheet with Data

Spreadsheet with Data

The next step is to run the Quick Pallet Maker application and open the Standard Cases and Pallets window. Once there, select the last tab, which is marked SKUs. Right-click on the table and select Paste to add the boxes.
Paste SKU Data

Paste SKU Data

The table with boxes should look like the one in the image below.
SKU Table with Boxes

SKU Table with Boxes

The next step is to open a new Document Window starting from box dimensions. This is done by selecting File -> New Data Sheet -> Box on Pallet.
New Data Sheet - Box on Pallet

New Data Sheet - Box on Pallet

Once the window has been opened, we will add the boxes by using the comma-delimited file that can be downloaded, and contains the following columns:
  • warehouse: the name of the warehouse
  • driver_id
  • driver_name
  • truck_name: the pallet in which they will be shipped
  • comment
  • route_date: the shipment date
  • route_name: the shipment name
  • po: the purchase order
  • client_id
  • client_name
  • prod_id: the SKU identifier
  • prod_seq
  • prod_q: the number of products to be shipped
  • trip
  • site
All these columns are required, but data only has to be entered in the ones that have been underlined above.
We select the file by using File -> Insert... -> Shipment.
File - Insert - Shipment

File - Insert - Shipment

Then, we look for the file on the disk or network and open it.
Input File

Input File

The Start from Box window should look like the image below. We click on Optimize Sections to obtain a better palletization result.
Start from Box window

Start from Box window

To calculate the list of boxes, we use the Tools -> Calculate Box Shipment command.
Tools - Calculate Box Shipment

Tools - Calculate Box Shipment

You should see a list of pallets with multiple types of boxes, that will depend on the information that was introduced in the shipment file and on the dimensions of the boxes that were stored as SKUs.
Pallet Layout

Pallet Layout

We can view a report of the pallet contents by selecting File -> Print Report.
File - Print Report

File - Print Report

Finally, we will be able to view a report with the pallet information (dimensions and a list of contents) and its drawing. If we select the Separate By Layers option, we can see multiple drawings, one for each layer of boxes in the pallet.
Pallet Report

Pallet Report

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This example is also available as a YouTube video.

YouTube Video